Eureka is in some sort of stasis.
It seems very much the same now as when it
opened. It seems as if they got a bunch of
thinking people in to set it up - and then they
left without checking whether their undoubtedly
good ideas functioned or not. Sadly, many do not.
Every time we visit there are exhibits that have
stopped working. Others don't work because of the
noise and sheer pressure created by the number of
visitors. Some of these stands offer real
concepts which need a bit of time to assimilate.
Someone needs to stand and watch and see what is
going on and hopefully come up with some ways of
controlling the flow so that these time moments
can be created. There are also some very
important safety aspects that need to be sorted
out. |

It is a complete nonsense that the income from these
cameras goes to the government when it is the individual
police forces that have to finance their installation. If
the money went straight to the police force, there would
be a proliferation of these devices - and everyone would
be obliged to drive at safer speeds . . .
Why aren't there barcodes on car tax discs? Then a
traffic warden would just have to swipe the disc for his
GPS enabled PDA to tell him if the car had been in that
spot for too long and also what its number plate should
be and if it had valid MOT and insurance - assuming of
course that Swansea gets its IT act in gear and records
these rather useful bits of data.

Wakefield have come up with a
novel (but surely flawed) solution to the
question of how you discourage people from using
cars in cities. They have made it impossible to
drive through without stopping . . . lots of
times. All of the traffic lights (and surely
no-one has more) are set out of synch so when you
move off from one set, you see the next set turn
red. They are presumably not worried about the
levels of pollution and stress that this policy
is producing. It is ironic that you can almost
always drive into Leeds without stopping at
all. |
Can anyone explain why money
being taken OUT of my account always moves in one
or two days but money going IN to my account
always takes at least five days? |
I used to have a BX which was
solid and fairly reliable. It also used to stop
very quickly - but never needed any new brakes!
We moved 'up' to a ZX estate which was very
comfortable and roomy and incredibly good at
going around corners. (I suspect it might be too
good since I would think that if you did manage
to find its limit, everything would go at once)
but it had rubbish brakes and no amount of
discussion would convince the dealers - until the
warranty ran out when they immediately said that
not only the pads but the discs too needed
replacing. In spite of this we stuck with the
breed and bought a Saxo - and the same thing
happened! |

Quite apart from the obscene sums of money generated by
the Utility Companies (after being privatised as
subsidised gifts to friends of the Government) I think it
is ridiculous that they are so slow in fixing leaks - and
it has taken them so long to set up an 0800 number for
reporting them! (It is 0800 573553 or contact household@yorkshirewater.com!)