November 17th, 1998Oak1.gif (12597 bytes)

Most types of tree are now without leaves and look very bare but the oaks in local woods and hedgerows are taking on a striking appearance. These have still to lose their leaves and have developed a variety of rich shades of orange and yellow during the past two weeks. The colours appear at their best early in the morning, when the winter sun is low in the sky and casts a warmer light than at other times of the day. The trees then stand out against their dull neighbours.

Pied wagtails are common around the school grounds but a more unusual sighting this week Grey_wagtail2.gif (12270 bytes)was of an immature grey wagtail. This species is not resident around Ackworth and is most commonly associated with clean, fast-flowing water. I would normally expect to see grey wagtails if walking in the Dales or some other hill district. However, in winter, they are scattered more widely and individuals turn up at Ackworth occasionally. They are usually seen by the Went but the bird pictured was flitting around the tennis courts.