7th January, 2000 Several people
have reported sightings of weasels to me during recent
months. Although I occasionally see weasels locally, I
have not actually seen one inside the school grounds but
I am not surprised that they are active there The pictures on this page are of a skull which came from a weasel that was found dead in the grounds by the Master on Duty. I know that weasels are related to badgers but was still struck by the similarity between the weasel skull and badger skulls that I have seen. Both have the same general shape and structure. The most conspicuous difference is that the weasel skull does not have the bony crest that is seen on badger skulls running down the centre. The two vicious-looking teeth at the front of each jaw are common to both types of skull and must be very useful to the weasel when gripping its prey.