4th October, 1999
The ground beneath the apple
trees in the orchard is now littered with apples. Many of these have holes in them, which
have been made by blackbirds or thrushes, and they are beginning to rot. The rotting fruit
is providing a useful late source of food for red admiral butterflies, which can be seen
feeding on them on sunny days. I have also seen a single comma
feeding in the same way.
The song of robins has again been a feature of the early mornings but many other species
have been quiet and elusive. Kingfishers have been heard this week but have been harder to
spot than they were during the breeding season.
The sound of goldcrests has been very noticeable in Great Garden and it has been possible
to see several at a time. It seems that this species must have had a second good breeding
season, continuing the increase in numbers seen towards the end of last year.