January 25th, 1999

Despite occasional spells of unpleasant weather, it does not take very long after the Christmas period for signsGreat tit. normally associated with spring, rather than the present winter season, to begin to be seen and heard all over the grounds.

During the past week, the sounds of great tits and bluetits staking their claims to breeding territories have been heard again, starting as soon as it is light. They have obviously been encouraged by the increasing day length, which is now very noticeable, and one or two mild days. The calls of both birds are repetitive and not at all tuneful. The most distinctive is that of the great tit. Its 'song' is a constant repetition of two notes. At any one time, several great tits can be heard calling from various points around Great tit.the grounds and beyond. The calls are loud and travel well, so that all of the males in the area must be well aware of the limits of each others territories. A favourite singing post for great tits is in the tall hawthorns which grow outside the windows of the meeting house. Each year, as the breeding season approaches, their song can be heard, with hardly a break, through many a morning meeting.

While the resident birds prepare for the breeding season, winter visitors have been conspicuous by their absence. Fieldfare and redwings have not been around recently and there have been no sightings of other potential visitors, such as siskin. It will be interesting to see whether they  will  appear later in the winter, possibly as they start to move back towards their own breeding grounds.