The Easter break
is a time of real contrasts, with some plants and animals
still in winter mode and others making the switch to
summer Here at Ackworth, the contrast is also apparent. On the 10th there were about 15 or 20 fieldfares in the shrubbery.Whilst these winter visitors continue to be seen in the grounds, the summer visitors have started to arrive in our area. Willow warblers, chiffchaffs and blackcaps are singing in a number of woods and scrubby areas and it must be only a matter of days before the first ones are heard in the school gardens. The best place to find these warblers is in the area behind the garages near the lower tennis court. The kingfishers
continue to be active around their nesting Some trees are now turning green. As usual, the horse chestnuts have been the first to produce leaves and are being followed closely by the sycamores. Flower production is the top priority for many trees and shrubs and the pictures on this page show the blossom of an old crab apple tree which grows in the remains of a hedgerow beside the Went.