This page contains a list
of project events. There are some images linked to the
event - click on the red buttons - ![]() |
Friday 22 May 1998, 1:30 pm
'LQW - Lapsed Quakerware', an installation by James Turrell, opens in the
gatehouse room at Ackworth School near Pontefract as part of 'artranspennine98'.
2 June
Chris Taylor, artist, begins project work with IV and VI Form
students exploring the ideas, history and making of the LQW installation.
5 June
Students visit artranspennine98 exhibitons at the Henry Moore Institute
the 'Ballyhoo!' artists' collective in Burley![]()
, and Temple Newsam House and
Museum, Leeds to investigate issues surrounding installation, display and
9 June
Lino cuts made and printed onto the wrapping in which the Lapsed Quakerware
was transported from Ireland. Prints installed in the gatehouse room adjacent
to LQW![]()
Mail Art project with James Turrell in Flagstaff, Arizona initiated.
Student questions emailed to Nicholas Mosse in Ireland.
16 June
Students experiment with a combination of clay, text and textures creating
ceramic objects and book covers![]()
Pages for a visitors' book for LQW designed and printed using lettrepress and
lino cut images.VI Form students create an installation in the study rooms' kitchen printing directly on to the tiled walls.
19 June
Visitors' Book installed in the LQW room.
Printed cards installed by the students in unexpected locations around the school
(the cleaners throw most of them away)![]()
3 July
Students visit Public Arts, Wakefield
and the Yorkshire Sculpture Park to view
artranspennine98 projects![]()
10 July
Chris Taylor concludes project with the students with a final ceramic and table
sculpture, 'After Dinner Conversations', sited on the lawn outside the LQW room.
Four sets of printed sets postcards concertina bound with ceramic covers.
11 July
Ackworth School Open Day. Student project work on display in Central Library,
central passageway, art department and in the LQW installation.
Sunday 16 August 1998, 5:00 pm
'artranspennine98' ends.
August - September
LQW installation dismantled and the room returned to its original state.
Visitors' Book completed and archived at Ackworth School
Ceramic and card concertina books placed in the Ackworth and artranspennine98
Mail Art postcards received from James Turrell. The students will make a ceramic box for storage. Mail Art project archived at Ackworth School.