Fill in your details in the boxes below and then press the Send button. | ACKWORTH YOUTH CHOIR was founded in November 1995 by Anne Henshaw, the conductor, thus fulfilling a long -held ambition on her part, and bringing a new and rewarding experience to young people in Ackworth. Click here for a sound sample! or use the form at the bottom of this page to find out about our CD's (only £8!!) Please note that our newest CD - Original! - has been recorded and is now available! The choir is for boys and girls from 8-18
years. They meet weekly, in term times, and work towards public
performances of various kinds, using a very wide range of music.
The emphasis is on having fun whilst improving
singing techniques and pursuing high standards of
- there is a weekly subscription of £1,
which covers the cost of room hire & accompanist. a purple shirt - which is provided for each member. The shirts are handed out for each performance and should be returned immediately afterwards. They are all laundered together so that they remain the same!
(these items must be provided by choir members themselves please). WORDS AND
MUSIC will be
provided, as will a folder in which to keep the sheets. It is the
responsibility of members to look after these carefully and to
bring them to every practice. LINKS:- please let us know if you'd like a link from these pages. We are happy to offer a link to Castleford Young Musicians who have gathered a lot of other choral connections!